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Laurence Day

The Wildcat Protocol

Cognitohazard Deployer

Hi! I’m a software engineer specialising in functional programming, financial mathematics and Ethereum development at the client and application layers.

That doesn't seem to do justice to what my day-to-day looks like nowadays, though. Currently, I wear many hats: father to an infant daughter, DeFi protocol founder, special advisor, angel investor and general Presence On The Internet. If you've found me from X, say hi. If you haven't, I didn't mention X and have no account.

I currently run and work on evolving the Wildcat Protocol, an Ethereum project facilitating independent, arbitrarily-parameterised undercollateralised credit lines between authorised borrowers and their selected lenders.

In my past lives, I have been:
* a mercenary (anonymous) Solidity developer and auditor,
* a contributor to Indexed Finance, a decentralised protocol on Ethereum enabling passive portfolio management,
* a Haskell engineer at Plow Technologies, an industrial automation/SCADA company based in Oklahoma,
* a co-founder of Arboreum, a startup that initially worked on increasing credit access for the financially underserved by modelling societal trust via AI-generated risk networks,
* a Haskell developer at Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore within the Enterprise Risk Analytics and Process Automation and Efficiency teams,
* a compiler engineer working on a novel approach to offloading native Haskell code to integrated GPUs for parallel computation at Intel Labs in Portland, Oregon, and
* an academic focusing on the construction of an alternative axis for modular compiler development parameterised on the computational effects supported by a given source language.

Haskell and Solidity development have been the predominant aspects of my career thus far, and I'm particularly interested in leveraging intrinsic properties of programs (such as polymorphism) into optimisation opportunities.

I served out my postgraduate years as a member of the incredible Functional Programming Laboratory of the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, supervised by the incomparable Professor Graham Hutton and Professor Thorsten Altenkirch. I submitted my doctoral thesis in December 2014, entitled 'The Modular Compilation of Effects'​.